Sunday, June 01, 2008

CAS take their time

I had hoped that once I'd got back blogging, a decision on Iban's case had been reached. That's sadly not the case. Iban's lawyer told Spanish dailies on the 22nd of May that CAS would need another two or three months to come to a conclusion, effectively ruling him out of this year's Tour de France. Bravo, mission accomplished! I'm at a loss to find out what they'll be up to the next months, but I'm going to save myself some time by not complaining a whole lot. But all you frustrated fans are more than welcome to do so in the "Comments" section below.


  1. Anonymous1:02 am

    Glad you're back! There's simply no good alternatives for getting Iban news on English out there.

    But 2-3 months?? That's crazy! How on earth can it take that long? But that seems to be how it is, just look at the cases of Petacchi and Rasmussen (why Petacchi was allowed to race, I'll never know). But for gods sake, there must be some way to speed up things! Athletes have a very short career, it's a pity that some of them looses months and years because of slow process from CAS. At least it is if they're innocent...

  2. It seems to be the way CAS go about their business, and, I agree with you, it's regrettable. Hopefully though they'll soon come to the conclusion that he's innocent

  3. Anonymous12:21 pm

    How longer they think, the more chance there is I guess. But remember Landis, he is also still waiting for the CAS. Poor guy... Landis was tested at the same laboratory as Mayo btw, and also with the testing of Landis is something wrong. I think we have to demonstrate before that stupid building :P

    Great you are back btw Magnus! I did not know anything about Mayo after your last message, on his site was nothing... Only a beautiful article about Mayo just before his own race. But it was spanish, so difficult to read.

    You are the first of the two guys that had to come back this season! Let's hope the other one will come back this Vuelta! Aupa Iban! :P

  4. Hi there, I'm a new reader and was glad to find your blog. I don't speak a word of Spanish so finding out any info on EE and their riders is all but impossible. Thanks so much for bringing us all this news. I wish I'd found you sooner...


  5. Thanks a lot:) And I intend to keep blogging for some time yet.

  6. Anonymous8:20 pm

    2-3 months is an awfully long time... I really hope he is innocent, but I don't think many cyclists are actually. If you just look how many guys are proven guilty a year... But even then, Mayo was always my favourite rider. The orange flash. In a group of possibly doped athletes, he was the most daring.
