Sunday, June 15, 2008

Igor moved by win

Igor was of course over the moon after his Tour de Suisse stage 2 win. He expressed his feelings to the reporters after the race, and here's what the little magician had to say: "I'm very pleased with this triumph, but I'm also very moved. Therefore I would like to dedicate this win to two very special human beings. First to my fiancee, Mayi. Her birthday was at the last day of the Euskal Bizikleta, so I was very eager to win it for her. Secondly I'd like to dedicate it to my team-mate Antton Luengo and his family. I know they are going through a lot, so this win's for them". On the race itself, he said: "When I finished 2nd in the Euskal Bizikleta I said it's really difficult to win and that it's important to take advantage of the opportunities as they present themselves. Today I didn't fail. I'm very gratefull for my team-mates, they've shown confidence in me and have watched out for me all day. There were a lot of attacks on the last climb, and I knew that I had to be careful with a rider like Cunego as, even though he couldn't quite keep up sometimes, possesses a remarkable end-speed. Kirchen is also fast... The last 300 metres seemed to last forever, but I hang in there and achieved a very important win for my team." Racing in the jersey of overall leader will be a new experience for Igor, but it's an experience that'll stand him in good stead for the future. "The truth is that I've never got to wear the jersey of overall leader, it's completely new to me", he said. "I didn't feel that good yesterday, but today I felt much better. The Tour de Suisse is a very prestigious race with many quality riders. There's a mountain TT coming up later in the race, something which in theory should suit me. But I'll take it day by day, I can only think of the next stage".

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:26 pm

    Does anyone know what is up with Luengo and his family?
