Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Euskaltel go missing

Euskaltel sadly failed to include one of their riders in today's big break which, as predicted, made it all the way to the line. Iñaki, Juanjo and Rubén were, to their credit, aggressive to begin with, but missed out on the important break. Then it was just a case of staying out of danger, something they managed. All riders, except for Iñaki and Gorka, came in with the main pack, 14:51 down. The pair came in with the next group at more than 22 minutes. No major changes to the overall standings today. Gorka continues to struggle with injuries he sustained on Sunday, something he talked about afterwards: "It was really hard for me today. I didn't train yesterday (on the rest-day) so that the wounds would heal, but I'm still badly bruised. When I take a deep breath my ribs hurt. After yesterday's halt I knew it'd be hard today. It's annoying that this has happened to me as I was so motivated for this race. I'm enjoying a pretty good season, so it feels bad not to be able to show what I'm made of here. But, still, I'll carry on and help the team the best I can".


  1. Anonymous11:25 pm

    This isn't going as well as I hoped. How is everyone liking the lack ot time bonuses?


  2. Makes no difference to me to be honest...
