Friday, August 29, 2008

Staying or going?

No, I'm not talking about Samu. I'm talking about myself in fact. I guess it would be more interesting for all of you to read about Samu, or any other rider for that matter, than me, but here I go. This is where it's at: I'm wondering what to do with the blog, whether I should just shut the whole thing down, or whether I should just go back to the original format; writing about Iban. As Iban is, most likely, out of the sport for good, this whole Iban Mayo Blog thing has kind of lost it's meaning. To me at least. And it's been like that for a while I'm afraid. Bringing you news on Iban, my one big hero, was the goal. Now that he's probably gone, out of the limelight at least, I'm not sure I want to continue the blog like this. And I need everyone's opinion on this matter. Though, I should say this just to save you the trouble in suggesting it, I'm not going to rename the blog into some sort of Euskaltel/Basque blog, or to just solely focus on the team. Iban has got to have something to do with it. I'm most likely going to revert the blog back to just bringing you news on Iban. I'm far from decided yet though, so please feel free to speak your mind in the comments section below.


  1. Anonymous12:21 am

    Well I have to say I would miss this blog a lot if you stopped. I understand you wanting it to have something to do with Iban Mayo. I'm not sure what else to say. If you decide to stop I think everyone understands. Still this is one of a few sites I visit almost every day to check for updates and I have become used to it for Euskaltel-Euskadi news in general.


  2. Anonymous9:02 am

    I would like to see the blog going on in the future. For me it's a reference because this blog compiles all the info about euskaltel, nobody else uses to do somthing like this.

    Iban was a huge rider. For all. I think that going on the blog writing about Euskaltel with his name is so beautiful: it's a tribute for Iban.

    Please, don't stop the blog. We need you.

  3. Anonymous10:22 am

    Magnus, I really like your blog. I check it every day and I know a lot of people to do so. I like your style of writing, and I have to confess that there are from time to time some matters I didn't know before visiting your blog!
    I really really would like you to continue, writing about Iban and Euskaltel. I think that it is very important to let fans who are not able to understand Spanish know what is going on, and I really appreciate your work in this sense, and you know that whatever you need, you can ask me.
    I would understand if you stop, but I would be really sad about it.
    Mucha suerte y animo, aupa Magnus!

  4. Anonymous1:07 pm

    We're a lot of Iban- and Euskaltel-fans so please don't stop writing. Make an Iban-reminder once in a while and keep on going with the Euskaltel-news. This will always be the Iban Mayo Blog but look how many readers you still have! What are we supposed to do when we cannot get our daily dose of Euskaltel-news?

  5. Please do keep it up, Magnus! For those of us who can't read the news in its native language but still love Iban and Euskaltel you're a priceless resource. If you should decide to stop, disappointing as that would be, at least allow me to say: thank you for all your great work, and you'll be missed!

  6. Anonymous6:03 pm

    I like too much the blog Magnus, I like the news of the team in your blog. Please stay with us...

    Euskaltel fan

  7. Anonymous7:08 pm

    There is another English blog about Euskaltel btw: that I also check daily. Also a very good blog.

    But it would be so sad if you quitted this blog :( But after all it is your choice, your life and your time. I will respect your decision, no matter what decision it is. But if you ask my opinion, I say: lets keep on going the way it goes now...

  8. Anonymous3:36 am

    I love this blog :) Iban, euskaltel, whatever else might come up.

    I appreciate very much what you write.

  9. Anonymous8:10 am

    I would definitely like for this blog to continue. Also, Iban can ride afer July 31 next year. So I'm not sure he's out of the sport just yet, he'll only be 31 and everyone knows he has tons of talent. It'd be foolish for a squad to not pick him up (even if it's at the Pro Continental level).

    I too have gotten used to checking this blog almost daily. I would understand updating the blog less than normal, but I'd like to see the blog stay alive in some way. Even if it's just a "We still support Iban Mayo" kind of thing. Because we all know some sketchy stuff went down in that CAS trial. I'm still bitter about it.

  10. Anonymous3:07 pm

    I think the blog is fantastic the way it is now Magnus. I come here to read news about Euskatel, which is often hard to find in english.

  11. Anonymous7:59 pm

    Magnus, thank you for the best Iban Mayo/ Euskaltel-Euskadi blog/ news site.

    I have to say I hope you keep it up. I understand Spanish, still I come here to this blog everyday to get the lates news on the big Iban Mayo (my all time hero) and Euskaltel my favorite team.

    kind regards from half spanish

  12. Anonymous9:24 pm

    this is my favorite blog!!!. Por favor, Magnus, no dejes de escribir. Aupa Magnus!
    From Argentina, Roni

  13. Anonymous9:08 am

    Euskaltel did 2nd place in the first stage. It's somethin amazing for the team and I think this was a message for you, Magnus. Go on with the blog!!!

  14. always an interesting informed read
    with great links and pictures, if you pack it in will be much missed.
    sure iban will be back next season
    with rock racing!
    keep the faith.....

  15. Anonymous10:38 am

    I discovered recently your Blog Magnus, but now i make a visti almost every day 'cause i honestly couldn't found elsewhere a more passionate writing about Iban and Euskadi.
    Please, carry on your wonderful job. As you've seen by our letters you are very much appreciated by a lot of people.
    Remo (Parma) I

  16. Anonymous11:41 am

    Please stay, Magnus. I know you have a lot of anonymous readers who don't say a lot, but we all appreciate your blog. And Iban will be back next year!

  17. Anonymous4:52 pm

    See? We all really do think your blog is the best.


  18. Of course I want you to continue with your blog cause you're doing a great thing and there can never be enough Euskaltel support, but I noticed that you don't have the time to keep it up to date like you used to. I know what it's like to post something every day but I just can stand the thought of giving up Euskaltel.

    Hopefully you continue, otherwise everyone can go to !! Just kidding :p
