Monday, September 15, 2008

Mikel 5th in Ponferrada

It was a day for the escapees in the Vuelta today. An 11-man break got away early on, and stayed away as predicted by most. Mikel was among the 11, but sadly had to settle for 5th, after he was out-manouvred in the closing kilometres. He looked good though I have to say, but that alone will unfortunately never bring you a win at this level. Credit to him for trying though, he must after all be exhausted by now. He's had a long, and terrific mind you, season. The other riders did okay today, and Egoi is still 8th overall. The stages are running out though, and I'm afraid the team might not win a stage in this year's race. That would be a pity, as that would leave them winless in all GTs this year. But life goes on, doesn't it? (At least is Samu stays)


  1. Anonymous1:03 pm

    All Belgian newspapers state Samu is going to Cervélo :(

  2. Anonymous3:22 pm

    Mikel has had a great season. He's been racing all year, no wonder there wasn't much left in him.

    On the Samu-topic, there's still hope:
