Monday, October 13, 2008

Samu 6th in Tour?

We all know Samu finished 7th in this year's Tour. But the chances are that he'll now be elevated to 6th place due to Köhl's positive tests for CERA. Of course, it comes as no surprise that Köhl tested positive. Everyone with a bit of insight into professional cycling knew Köhl wasn't clean when he suddenly climbed with the very best of what the pro peloton had to offer in July. He is a talented climber though, make no mistake about it, but his showing was, as with many other climbers in the race, far too good be believed. Haimar experienced something similar in 2006 when he went from 9th to 8th after Landis was exposed. I don't think Samu would care all that much, but I thought it was worth writing about it. And, if the cheats continue to get caught at this rate, lord knows where Samu will eventually end up overall.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:33 pm

    To me Menchov will always be number 4 and Samu number 7 in this years Tour. I don't believe in rewriting history, too bad some riders were cheated once again, and that ugly bastard Kohl should be banned from cycling for life for not understanding what damage he is doing to the sport...
