Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Gil looking for a job

Talented Basque climber Koldo Gil, formerly of the disgraced Liberty Seguros outfit, is out of job at the moment. The rider, who was caught up in the whole Operacion Puerto scandal, did not get his contract extended with Continental team Liberty this year after suffering from a virus which led to bad performances all year. So you're Basque, you're a climber, and you're without a team. What do you do? Call Galdeano of course. "I spoke to Igor González de Galdeano to see if they had a place for me on the team", he said. "I know that it'll be difficult (to get a contract), seeing as they've already finalized their 2009 roster. Igor told me he'd think about it, but also said it would be complicated. If I don't get a contract, I'm still without a team". It seems Galdeano didn't need too long thinking it over though, as the well-informed Euskaltel-Euskadi Blog ( http://team-euskaltel.blogspot.com/) quickly reported that there was indeed no room for him next year. I'm really glad he didn't land a contract. Of course, he's a brilliant rider who's capable of winning the biggest races, but it seems, jugding by his performances and links to Fuentes, that he hasn't got his ethics quite sorted out if you know what I mean. I wasn't happy to read that Galdeano indeed tried to find a place for him on the team, but, then again, they were both on the same team in the past. Bad habits never die I guess.


  1. Anonymous11:53 pm

    Totally agree with you; no thank you!

  2. Anonymous11:59 am

    I disagree, nothing has been proved with the Fuentes case and I consider people innocent until proven guilty. Galdeano is a hypocrit anyway - he doesn't have a clean record, and I'm not happy with him working for Euskaltel

  3. Anonymous4:47 pm

    @ anonymous: The team spirit has bettered since he works there...

    To Koldo: Pff just too late, Urtasun had more luck...

  4. Anonymous10:50 pm

    Koldo Gil didn't have the form anymore the last years (thanks to the lack of Fuentes?) so I don't care actually.

  5. @anonymous: I agree with you on the Galdeano thing. He's got a VERY dark past, just like Gil, Osa and all the others. Though, I agree with Monika, I think he's good at what he's doing. But still I'd get rid of him, Euskaltel need to clean up. @ arnout: he suffered from viruses this last year, so that kind of explains his bad results the last year. But I agree with you, he misses Fuentes. But then again, which Spanish rider doesn't?

  6. Anonymous11:37 pm

    Samuel :D

  7. Anonymous11:38 pm

    And it seems like more don't, this was the best year ever for Spanish cycling I guess.

  8. I'd like to see Koldo in Euskaltel. I think that there is nothing whitch proves the relation between Koldo and Fuentes.

    Koldo has a big quality. Only Igor climbs better than him (maybe D.López as well and Iban, of course) and it looks that he would come for not too mutch money.

  9. @mos: you're right when it comes to his qualities. He's an amazing climber, up there with the very best on his day. he's probably even better than JA Gómez Merchante in fact, and that says quite a lot, as he's a rider I rate highly. But, still, the Liberty-Fuentes connection was way too obvious to me to believe that Koldo, one of the team's best riders, didn't take drugs.

  10. Yes, Magnus. We can imagine it. But no more than imagine. Iban Basso is going to ride again, and he was involved in dopping. We can imagine all we like about Koldo Gil but we know perfectly what Basso did. ¿Why Basso can sign with a good team and Koldo not?

  11. Anonymous5:11 pm

    So when you are in jail for two years, you still have to be punished afterwards?

    We have had this discussion before, but I again feel like reacting on you, bolsen3.

  12. Thanx for mentioning me :p

  13. Anonymous7:09 pm

    Well, Arnout, your comparison to jail don't really make sense to me. The sport of cycling is in a very difficult position now, and those fuckers who STILL hasn't understood this, and keep on ruining everything for the rest of us, they deserve nothing, absolutely nothing. I don't say they should be punished after they've "done their time" (witch by the way should be 4 years not 2), but if I were in charge of a team I wouldn't give a doper a second chance! First of all because I wouldn't risk my credibility and the teams future. But also because I would like to make a statement: if you ever doped, your not welcomed in my team. It's up to the directors to make up their own mind, there's nothing wrong in not wanting someone with a tainted past. Would you hire a guy who 20 years ago molested a child as babysitter for your children? He got his punishment years ago, would you hire him? I don't think so! (I know it's a little far out, but it's much of the same dilemma, not wanting to hire someone because of something they did a long time ago is perfectly understandable).

    This is the way cycling is going, the ones who doesn't understand this will rot in minor, unimportant races. The ones who take dopingproblems serious get to ride the Tour ;-)

  14. Anonymous1:39 pm

    me parece muy mal que haya corredores a los que SI se les vuelva a dar una oportunidad y a otros no....por que? que tienen unos que no tengan otros, si se supone que han cometido el mismo "delito"?ademas, aun está por ver si Koldo tuvo algo que ver con el doctor Fuentes y la Operación Puerto...
    Estoy de acuerdo en que tiene que haber sanciones...pero para todos. No vale a unos si y a otros no.
