Thursday, February 04, 2010

Team presentation

Euskaltel yesterday unveiled the 2010 team to the public and mass media in the Palacio Euskalduna in Bilbao. As team presentations go they're not overly exciting. As usual, the big guys, like Igor González de Galdeano, Miguel Madariaga, deputy general of Bizkaia, José Luis Bilbao, the president of the Basque government, Patxi López, and Euskaltel president José Antonio Ardanza, held their inspirational speeches about being Basque, Euskaltel being more than just a team, getting a rider on the podium in the Tour, and all that. In addition to all the talking, the Fundacion Euskadi paid an emotional tribute to Agustín Sagasti, the now deceased former rider who secured Euskaltel's first ever win way back in the Vuelta al País Vasco in '94. A nice touch. Other than that not much to report. Just for the record though, Igor is the new General Manager of the team after Miguel stepped down from that particular position late last year. Miguel is still president of the foundation though. Igor's brother, the very capable Alvaro, and the ever-reliable Gorka Gerrikagoitia will be the team's two sport directors this year, while Josu Larrazabal will once again be "preparador físico", whatever that title entails.

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