Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Are you the next Ibán? Nr. 3: Igor Antón

Candidate number 3 is the obvious one; Igor Antón, the natural heir to Ibán's crown many would say. But are all the factors there for Igor to be called 'The Next Ibán'?

  • Basque? Yes
  • Awesome climber? Yep, but could get even more awesomer, if that's a word (?)
  • Erratic? Most definetely so
  • Good in long time trials? Not at all
  • Explosive? Kind of
  • Classy? On a scale from 1 to 10, he'd get a 6
  • Rock star looks? Nope
  • GT material? Nope
  • Fragile personality? No, he seems like a level-headed guy
  • Cool sideburns and earrings? No
  • Verdict: He's got the most important credentials: big talent, awesome climber, bad in the TTs, very erratic. That sounds like Ibán. The looks are not there though, but that's but a minor negative. The major sticking point is that, eventhough he's taken some big wins in the Vuelta, Romandie and in Suisse, his wins are not exactly Alpe d'Huez-in-the-Tour, Ventoux-record kind of wins. But he's still got some years left, so it's more than likely that he's the closest we'll get to a new Ibán.


  1. Anonymous11:29 pm

    I agree with you that he's probably the closest to being "the new Iban", but classy? Hell no :P I would give him a 3 or 4 out of 10. I'd say he has a more battling style, almost forcing his bike up the climbs. Not a bad thing, though, but not even close to the style of Mayo.

  2. You're onto something, he does "force" his way up the climbs...
