Thursday, March 25, 2010

Jonathan secures jersey

Another day in Catalunya, another day for Jonathan to go on the attack. The precocious youngster today secured his Special Sprints Jersey, taking maximum points on the first sprint, ahead of Gorka and Aitor, and getting second on the next one. Good one. The fact that he spent another day ahead of the pack in the break is even more impressive. Voigt won from that same break, but by then Jonathan had been reeled back in by the pack. Igor and Iván did well to come home with the main group of favourites, while Miguel Minguez also rode well to come home in the next group, just a minute and a half behind Igor and Iván's group. The rest of the guys ended up way back, but it doesn't really matter. The most important thing was that Jonathan secured his jersey! Afterwards, he had the following to say: "This stage was really hard. The pace to begin with was unbelievable, and as a result a break didn't stick until kilometre 50. The profile of the stage was deceptive. It looked like a quite flat day with a few ups and downs, but it turned out too be really hard with a few testing climbs. Thanks to the work of my team-mates I was able to win the first sprint, and as a result I ended up in the break. That's why I went for the second sprint as well. I was quite sure the break wouldn't last. The head-wind really tired us, but it was important to win the jersey, so I had to go on the attack. After that I went back and saved myself a bit. Besides winning the jersey, I'm pleased with the fact that I've been in two breaks with strong riders. That boosts the morale".

1 comment:

  1. This kid is going to wint he most agressive jersey one day at the tour. Tomorrw I think there is that CAT 2 climb maybe a good break can get away from that.
