Wednesday, March 31, 2010

No luck in De Panne

It was another bad day at the office for Euskaltel in Belgium. For the first time ever the team is taking part in the Driedaagse De Panne, and it couldn't really have gotten off to a much worse start. After just ten kilometres Sergio De Lis hits the ground hard and has to be taken to hospital. Fortunately no broken bones were discovered, but it's still an unknown whether he can take part in this weekend's big one, the Ronde van Vlaanderen. Pablo was the only Euskaltel rider to make it in with the main pack, crossing the line in 47th place, 2:15 down on winner Chainel. Good ride by Pablo, who afterwards said that he started off feeling 'really bad', but that through suffering and some more suffering he managed to stay with the main peloton. Javier was the next rider to cross the line, coming home in an okay 63rd place, 10:49 down. Romain, Gorka, Aitor and IƱaki all came in with the last group 24:45 back.


  1. arnout11:21 pm

    The boys are underperforming in the Northern races. I expected some good riding from Sicard to be honest.

  2. Bolsen31:05 am

    Are you joking? I don't picture Sicard as a northern classics rider at all! I think it's a good idea to let him try it out, but to expect anything at all from him, in his first year as a pro and in these kind of races, that is totally beyond my understanding...

  3. arnout2:41 pm

    Well some of the stages in the Panne aren't all that northern at all, with only the occasional pave section. Still everyone comes in 10 minutes behind the winner.

    I don't blame anyone, just was expecting a little bit more.
