Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Euskaltel come up short in Naranco

The Subida al Naranco did not go to plan for the team today. A massive break containing 26 riders got away early on with only two Euskaltel riders in it: Gorka Izagirre and Jorge Azanza. Due to the numerical disadvantage in the break, the rest of the guys back in the pack set about driving the pace in the hope of reeling the break back in. They did not succeed though, and even though BeƱat clocked a fantastic time up the climb, he started too far back to get anywhere close to the remnants of the break. Eventually he finished a distant 21st, a full 2:59 down. The only other Euskaltel guy to finish was Jorge, coming in 28th. The rest of the guys abandoned, much like Orbea who only had one finisher. Izagirre Jr., Jon, came in a good 19th.

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