Friday, April 30, 2010

Gorka 17th in Romandie ITT

Gorka Verdugo showed he's riding himself back into form by placing a strong 17th in today's 24,3-kilometre individual time trial in teh Tour de Romandie. Finishing ahead of riders like Pinotti, Casar, Kreuziger, Plaza, Grabsch and Sagan in such a taxing stage is impressive to say the least. Igor did quite well to come home 37th, 1:41 down on surprise-winner Porte, while JJ was 48th at 1:54. Alan was 64th at 2:20, Iñaki 88th at 2:57, Koldo 109th at 3:33, Mikel 113th at 3:42 and Aitor Galdós 150th at 5:43. With a few hilly stages coming up, the overall looks like this:
  • 36th, Igor Antón, 1:26
  • 38th, Juan José Oroz, 1:30
  • 63rd, Gorka Verdugo, 2:30
  • 70th, Iñaki Isasi, 2:45
  • 90th, Alan Pérez, 3:39
  • 91st, Mikel Nieve, 3:39
  • 106th, Koldo Fernández, 12:47
  • 149th, Aitor Galdós, 30:37

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