Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Igor 4th in Fléche

Igor grabbed a fantastic, though slightly annoying, 4th place in today's Fléche Wallonne. Annyoing first of all because a fourth place is always annoying, but even more so because I may have said something along the lines of "Igor not suited to small, steep climbs" and "Igor better on longer hills" just recently. My bad, you really shouldn't listen to me, I'm always too sceptical and negative. Anyway, over to the 'fantastic' part. Awesome race by Fuji. Went on the attack inside the last kilometre and only Contador could keep up. One could always argue he went to early, but nonetheless a magnificent ride by him. He'll for sure be one to watch on Sunday. And though a fourth place is annoying, it's still mightily impressive to beat guys like Cunego, Valverde, Gilbert and Schleck. On the negative side was the serious crash by Iván with five clicks to go. That looked bad, and apparently he damaged his D8 vertebrae. Not good, especially considering he's in the form of his life. More on his injury later. As for the rest of the guys, JJ was 54th, Iñaki 63rd, Egoi 88th, Alan 91st and Mikel 131st. Aitor Galdós failed to finish.


  1. arnout11:30 pm

    I think he will not do as well in LBL. Its longer and the hills are this time really more suited to explosive riders and not so much real climbers.

    Anton really should keep himself quiet though till the last kilometre. That attack from him with 10k to go was useless and energy wasting.

    And as always the riders at the front on the Muur get passed by one or two riders.

    But hey, I am more than happy that Fuji is back again and that he can compete with the very best. And not just compete, he was really making the pace and all favourites were suffering. Got lots of exposure and finished ahead of many really really good riders.

    Seems he now is finally back from his injury of 2008.

    Dutch commentators were really surprised by him by the way, because they thought it was impossible he was that good, taking into account that attack some kilometres before. At one moment they thought it was Isasi :D

  2. Awesome Ride! This does show that he has the will and tenacity to win some big races!

  3. Bolsen35:42 pm

    I think you're right arnout, LBL is not as suited to Igor as Fleche Wallone, but of course I hope he'll surprise us!

    The keyword to winning Fleche is patience, unfortunately Igor wasn't close to being patient :P But that will come with experience, just look at Cadel, he has attacked too early on the Mur at least 2 years in a row... But a great ride by Igor, only the very strongest can win on Huy!

  4. Great ride no doubt but, as you all mention, he's no the best tactician. I was expecting him to go too early.
