Monday, April 19, 2010

Igor claims 2nd overall in VCL

As expected, Igor hung on to his second place overall in today's final stage of Castilla y León. The stage came down to the anticipated bunch-sprint, in which Pablo Urtasun once again showed impressive form to claim 5th. So a third, a fourth and a fifth on stages for Pablo in this race. Way to go Pablo! Igor himself claimed 15th on the stage, while the rest of the guys came in in small group behind the pack after working tirelessly for their leader today as well. Jorge was 90th at 3:47 back, while Javier and Miguel came in 7:01 back and Jonathan a further two seconds back. These results leave us with the following overall:
  • 2nd, Igor Antón
  • 63rd, Javier Aramendía
  • 65th, Pablo Urtasun
  • 66th, Miguel Mínguez
  • 88th, Jorge Azanza
  • 98th, Jonathan Castroviejo

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