Thursday, April 15, 2010

No Samu for Amstel?

According to, nope. The website has listed Sergio, Aitor Galdós, JJ, Alan, Iván, Iñaki, Egoi and Gorka as participants. But I'm far from sure that'll be the eventual line-up. Sergio is suffering from injuries sustained in Belgium. So too is Aitor Galdós. JJ, Alan, Iván, Egoi, Gorka and Iñaki all seem like reasonable picks, but the obvious one missing is Samu. Perhaps he'll save it for Fleche and Liège, who knows? More on the line-up later this week.


  1. arnout9:10 am

    As far as I know Samuel will not be riding the classics. In the beginning of the season he said he wanted to focus on Pais Vasco, not ride the classics and then prepare for the Tour.

    He's not really suited for these classics either. The hills are too short, he's not explosive enough. Samuel is better on the second halve of a climb. The races in which he is doing well are all races with longer hills (Zurich, Lombardia, Olympic Games and so on).

  2. You're totally right Arnout, I completely forgot. And, yes, the races you mentioned no doubt are more suited to him.

  3. Bolsen311:29 pm

    Although the Ardennes classics may not be a perfect match for Samu, he tends to to well in Fleche, and I'm sure he could have a Liege win in him! You don't have to be very explosive to win Liege, look at Andy Schleck last year. So I'm a little disappointed by this decision, but let's hope he'll be fucking flying in the Tour! :D
