Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Scheldeprijs misery

Euskaltel are really having a torrid time in Belgium. Today's Scheldeprijs was no exception. Aitor Galdós, one of the more on-song riders the last few weeks, crashed badly with 25 kilometres to go and was immediately taken to a nearby hospital. No word yet on how he's doing, but rest assured, I'll update you all as soon as I know. Iñaki also crashed, something which may make him miss tomorrow's Pino Cerami. Not good. On a brigther note, Javier grabbed a good 20th place today. The youngster, who has so far in his career failed spectacularly to live up to the hype surrounding him, is a known lover of the Belgian one-day races. And though he will probably never win one, he sure is making solid progression in these races. Aupa! Despite crashing, Iñaki made it in with a small group 14 seconds down, placing 66th. Romain was 89th, 25 seconds down, while Jonathan came in with the very last group in 160th place, 3:44 back. The rest of the guys failed to complete the race.

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