Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Athletic Bilbao take on the Urkiola

Euskaltel's footballing equivalent, Primera Divisíon side Athletic Bilbao, today took on the mythical Urkiola climb by bike. The Subida a Urkiola is a mountainous one-day race held near Durango in the Basque Country every summer, won last year by our own Igor Antón. And of course Ibán won it four years ago. The Fundación Euskadi supplied the team with bikes, helmets and jerseys, and clad in orange the footballers fought it out on Urkiola's unimaginably steep ramps. Eneko Bobeda 'won' the race, while legendary Bilbao winger Joseba Etxebarria, who retired at the end of the recently-concluded season, got to wear the rainbow yersey. A nice tribute to a great player.


  1. Bolsen312:31 am

    Cool! They had a great season this year, fighting for a Champions League place almost to the last round! Always impressed me that a team consisting of only Basque players could stay in one of the very best leagues in the world!

  2. Indeed! And Iker Muñain looks like one hell of a player in the making.

  3. Bolsen312:15 am

    Absolutely, will be very interesting to see how far that kid can go!
