Sunday, May 02, 2010

Igor misses out on the line

Igor came agonizingly close to a big win on today's last stage of the Tour de Romandie. Having shown to be among the very strongest, if not the strongest, on the day through some powerful attacks, Igor approached the '1 kilometre to go'-sign together with a lead group consisting of himself, Valverde, Menchov and Spilak. Knowing his chances would be close to zero in a dash for the line with Piti Valverde, Igor wisely gave it a last go with something like 700 metres to go. It looked to be the winning move, but the annoyingly good Valverde came back just in time to nip it on the line ahead of an obviously frustrated Igor. Losses like that are hard to take. I'm still pissed and it's been five hours. Wonder how Fuji's feeling... Anyway, great ride, of course. But second places are always hard to take. But thanks to his strong riding today, he ended up 10th overall. Not bad considering the race included a too long time trial for Igor's liking. Mikel Nieve was quite good today, coming home 36th at 6:03. Iñaki came in as number 65, a full 16:05 down, while JJ, Gorka and Alan were 70th, 71st and 72nd respectively, all 20:00 down. Final GC:
  • 10, Igor Antón
  • 42, Mikel Nieve
  • 56, Juan José Oroz
  • 57, Iñaki Isasi
  • 58, Gorka Verdugo
  • 69, Alan Pérez

1 comment:

  1. "annoyingly good"

    your comments are almost flattering for Senor valv.piti

    given a different situation, i would probably laugh at such an assessment. not this time, though.
