Sunday, May 16, 2010

Koldo 7th in Picardie

Koldo showed he's still far from his best by grabbing seventh in a rather low-quality field of sprinters in today's second stage of the Tour de Picardie. Finishing behind riders like Pichot, Khalilov and De La Fuente is not customary for a sprinter of Koldo's calibre. But he still beat some fast guys, like JJ Rojas and Borut Bozic for example, so it's not all bad. Given a split in the field inside the last few kilometres, he's now ranked sixth overall, 16 seconds back, going into tomorrow's last stage. Koldo and eight other riders finished some seconds ahead of the rest of the pack, hence the good GC placing. Jorge, Jonathan and Pablo all finished 15 seconds down, while Miguel Miniguez was 36 seconds down, Aitor H 2:16, Gorka Verdugo 4:14 and Sergio 5:37. Here's for an eagerly-anticipated win tomorrow!

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