Friday, May 28, 2010

Rubén back in yellow

An impressive and concerted team effort brought Rubén back into the yellow leader's jersey on today's third stage of the Bayern Rundfahrt. The queen-stage of the race saw Igor Antón set a furious pace at the day's big climb with something like 3o clicks to go. Igor managed to shed a heap of riders out the back, including overall leader Howard, and due to impressive riding at the front from Romain as well, only 39 riders made it to the line with the first pack. Among those was Ciolek who sprinted to glory, while Rubén sprinted himself into the lead and a fourth place on the stage. Despite working their socks off for their captain, Igor and Romain both managed to come in with that first group. Daniel, Javier and Pablo came in with the next group 3:21 down. With two stages to go, tomorrow being a taxing ITT, Rubén is tied on time with Ciolek.

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