Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Rubén takes first pro win in Bayern

Rubén finally grabbed his much longed-for first win as a pro in the Bayern Rundfahrt opener today. The speedy 29-year-old has impressed during his five-year spell with the team but had never, until today, scored that elusive win, so it was no doubt a well deserved victory for the affable Zaldibar native. The win came courtesy of some brilliant team work. First of all Daniel Sesma got into the break of the day and thus relieved the team of pace-setting duties back in the bunch. Naturally the break he had gotten into got swallowed up with six clicks or something thereabouts to go. Milram tried to set it up for their designated sprinter, Gerald Ciolek, but they were totally dominated by a magnificent Euskaltel train. Rubén beat Leigh Howard with something to spare as he raised his arms in jubilation, while Pablo came in an excellent third to cap off a truly awesome day. Koldo, Javier, Igor and Romain all came in with the pack as well, while Daniel in the end paid for his day-long effort and came in 4:18 back. "The truth is that it's been a perfect day, a day I will remember for the rest of my life", an ecstatic Rubén said after the finish. "We put on a great performance. Daniel Sesma got into the break of the day, and that allowed the rest of us to stay together for big parts of the stage. On the climb with 28 kilometres to go Igor Antón controlled affairs and we could relax a little on the descent. In the final stages there was a climb I managed to get over quite far ahead in the pack. I felt good, and in the sprint we took the win. I go to most races to support Samu, Koldo or Fuji, so when an opportunity presents itself it's important to take advantage of it. Right now I'm not thinking of the GC. Now I'm just enjoying my win."


  1. This is just fantastic. Over the last month and a half, Euskaltel has suddenly showned a new, winning side rarely seen before! :)

  2. Yeah, great to see so many different riders winning as well!
