Monday, June 28, 2010

Euskaltel ready for take-off

Euskaltel today held their annual gathering, or ceremony, call it what you like, ahead of their departure for France. Present at the Parque Tecnológico de Zamudio in Bizkaia was Euskaltel president José Antonio Ardanza, Deputy General of Bizkaia, José Luis Bilbao, an advisor from the cultural department of the Basque Government called Blanca Urgell, Miguel Madariaga, who needs no further introduction, and all the riders of course. Also present was Mikel Trueba, a young man suffering from ELA, who'll do a blog on his Tour experience with the team. During the ceremony, all riders were given a blessing from the rector de la basílica of Begoña, the aptly-named Jesus Garitaonaindia.

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