Saturday, June 05, 2010

Naturgas' busy week-end

Naturgas' already-successful season might just get even more successful this week-end with the team taking part in three different races over three days. The 'Campeonatos de Euskadi', which doesn't need translating, is being held this Saturday and Sunday, and the team should be a shoo-in for a good result, if not for a win. An individual race against the clock will be held today, and will feature last year's third-place getter Igor Merino, David Hidalgo, Pello Bilbao, Jon Larrinaga and Rory Martínez. The road race will see almost the entire squad lining up, with Álex and Pello Bilbao, David Hidalgo, Rory and Unai Martínez, Jon Larrinaga, Mikel Martioda, Aitor Ocampos, Mikel Bizkarra, Andoni Sánchez, Urtzi Legarra and Alfonso Saiz all taking part. If they race united, nothing should stand in their way.

The first race of the Copa Ibérica, which doesn't need translating either, will be held in Renedo de Piélagos, wherever that is, on Monday. A 10-man team comprising of Fernando Grijalba, Álex Bilbao, Efrén Carazo, Rory and Unai Martínez, Alfonso Saiz, Carlos Barbero, Alberto Guinea, Andoni Sanchez and Mikel Martioda will line up.

Later in the month, three Naturgas youngsters and one former Orbea rider will line up to represent Euskadi in the amateur version of the Giro, namely the GiroBio. Not surprisingly, Aitor Ocampos, Pello Bilbao and Mikel Bizkarra are the chosen ones by team chief Ángel Balzola. The race is a prestigious one as you'll know, and will be held over ten days, from the 11th of June to the 20th. Igor Romero (remember him, anyone?), was a surprise inclusion in the squad, and will do his utmost to show Euskaltel did wrong by not giving him a chance a few years back. The highlight of the race will no doubt be the stage finishing atop the mighty Monte Grappa.

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