Thursday, June 10, 2010

Romain brilliant in Dauphiné

Romain showed glimpses of his undoubted talent by taking an excellent second place on today's first mountain-top finish in the Dauphiné. The 210-kilometre stage ending atop the Risoul saw an aggressive Euskaltel team all day. Early on the climb, Egoi, then Iván, delivered proof they're approaching top form by attacking out of the peloton. None of them managed to sustain their attacks though, and they both drifted backwards after giving it a shot. In a steadily-diminishing group of favourites at the front of the race, Euskaltel still had the impressive Gorka Verdugo and Romain present. Samu, though, was once again gone missing. Anyway, the two others did the team proud. Gorka stayed with the top favourites until two kilometres were left to ride, while Romain went even better. Nicolas Vogondy attacked Contador, Brajkovic and co. with force with 1,5 to go, and Romain soon went after him. It was too little, too late though for the World Champ. Eventually he had to settle for second on the stage, 12 seconds down on Vogondy, but still ahead of Contador and the rest. Amazing riding. Gorka came through in 22nd place, just 55 seconds adrift, and thus keeps hold of his 10th place overall. Iván was 53rd, Egoi 69th, Samu a worryingly 70th, 4:22 down, while Jorge, Alan and Iñaki was 118th, 120th and 124th respectively, all at 12:55. The French prodigy was naturally happy afterwards, saying he was 'a little surprised', but nonetheless 'very happy to be among the best on a stage like this'.


  1. arnout9:27 pm

    Great result for him. Performance of the whole team is really good this year.

    I think Sanchez rides this after heavy training so he's far from top form here. He's the type of guy who rides anonymously in the prep races and then ups his performance by miles in the real races.

    I remember the same from two years back in the Dauphiné.

  2. You're right, his performance is similar to that of 2008, but then again I'm always worrying! He knows what he's doing I'm sure.

  3. Yeah i think he is flying under the radar right now. But it would be cool for him to go for a win on Alpe du Huez. Just like Iban did when he won the queen stage a few years back in the Dauphine.

  4. arnout8:37 pm

    Well Iban was always brilliant in the Dauphiné and after that often not so brilliant in the Tour. I rather choose the second one.

    Although Iban and Samuel are not comparable for me. Samuel lacks the style and the flamboyance for me.
