Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Samu not happy with Tour pavés

Samu yesterday spoke of his dislike of stage three of this year's Tour, a stage that features the several stretches of cobbles. Not surprisingly, Euskaltel are tipped to struggle as they've done in years past and, judging by his obvious discomfort over its inclusion, I wouldn't rule out another cobbled fiasco in the Tour. "I don't like the fact that you can easily lose your chance of overall success on one stage alone, like the stage with the cobbles", he said. "One stage can decide the GC. You can crash, injur an arm, a leg, you could suffer serious injury. On a stage like that it's better to lose a minute than risk your whole race". Well, all I'll say is that with an attitude like that you're very likely to lose that one minute. Or the whole race if you like.


  1. Bolsen38:00 pm

    Doesn't sound too good... But I'm looking very much forward to that stage anyway :D

  2. arnout10:22 am

    Euskaltel is going to struggle no doubt.

    Six years back it was the end of the 1.5 year top form of Mayo.

  3. Yeah, let's hope they're better prepared than in 2004.

  4. Bolsen33:02 pm

    Actually, Mayos 1,5 year top form ended a little earlier than that; when they sacked Jesus Losa ;)

    Sorry, I just had to :P But I remember that stage in 04 very clearly, Mayo crashed with Hushovd, who wore the yellow jersey. Quite funny to think about, now that Hushovd is one of the very best on pavé...

  5. I'm pretty sure that he actually crashed BEFORE the cobbled sections. Or am I mistaken?

  6. arnout9:14 am

    Yeah he did. But the cobbles were the reason, because the peloton was very nervous and that was the reason Iban crashed.

    @Bolsen: Brilliant doctor :D

  7. Jesus Losa was magical!;)
