Saturday, June 12, 2010

'Sicard better off in Euskaltel than in France'

Bernard Hinault, the five-time Tour winner, is already known to be a great admirer of Romain Sicard. Hinault has sung the praises of the prodigious Frenchman several times already this year, and yesterday he was at it again. According to El Correo, he thinks Romain is better off at Euskaltel than with a French team. "His choice of team was good", the 'Badger' said. "He went to a Spanish team, a Basque team. They trust him there and they've given him a measured calendar, one that will allow him to progress. They're not asking him to win races, they're asking him to learn. Last year he won the Worlds and l'Avenir, obviously he's a good rider. I spoke with him at Paris-Nice. He seems like a good lad. And yes, he's a rider who attacks, and I like that. But I think Euskaltel do right in not sending him to the Tour this year. It would be a bit early. He's got plenty of time. I prefer Romain to be with Euskaltel than in a French team. It's better for his progression."

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