Friday, June 25, 2010

Stages nr.1 priority for Galdeano

In something I consider to be a wise move, Igor González de Galdeano has decided to focus more on stage-wins and less on the overall in the upcoming Tour de France. "The team has a leader: Samuel Sánchez", he stated matter-of-factly to the Diario Vasco. "But we don't want him to get all obsessed with the overall. We'll look for stage-wins. Why? Because we've already been fifth, sixth, eighth and ninth, which is very good, but we know it'll be difficult to improve on that. That's why our focus will be more geared towards stages. But we're not forgetting the overall. We just want to take another perspective on it. We're better prepared than in previous years. It's impossible to say whether or not this is the best preparation we've ever had, but our riders are focused, in good shape and hungry. I don't know if it is the best team we've ever taken to the race, but I'm very pleased with how things have gone so far." Galdeano also echoed everyone else's opinion;"the race will not be won on the pavé, but it can certainly be lost there."


  1. Focussing on stage wins with that team? If he wanted to win stages he should have lined up other riders (Jonthan, Beñat, Igor, Koldo...) because this team looks like it's just a team designed to work for Samuel.

  2. Couldn't agree more. I think, once again, Euskaltel have got their priorities wrong...

  3. arnout10:52 pm

    Hey Lizzard! Glad to see you.

    Yeah, the team is decent, but not spectacular. Alan Perez is a workhorse and a good one but will most likely not battle for stage wins. Same holds for some other guys. I would've loved to see one of the bright new talents in le Tour.
