Monday, June 21, 2010

Tour team revealed

Euskaltel finally named the lucky nine that will get to represent the team in the Tour. Here's the roster: Samu, Egoi, Gorka, Iñaki, Amets, JJ, Rubén, Alan and Iván. So no surprises there then. Good team overall though, I like the look of it. Glad to see Iván included; he's taken some big steps the last couple of years and thoroughly deserves the chance to shine on the biggest stage. Aitor Hernández is not surprisingly named as a reserve after his return to form lately. On the announcement of the team, Igor González de Galdeano had this to say: "A stage-win is one of the priorities this year, but don't forget we're also aiming for a high overall placing for Samu. We've been preparing for this race all year." Speaking of the dreaded stage over the cobbles in the north of France, Igor sounded optimistic. "We're not scared of the cobbles", he vehemently stated. "We inspected the cobbles in May with Samuel Sánchez, Juan José Oroz and Egoi Martínez. All of them will have an important role that day. We reconned the stage thoroughly. We'll try not to crash or lose time."

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