Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Euskaltel no-show as break goes the distance

Disappointingly, Euskaltel failed to get a rider into the break of the day which, as I predicted, managed to hold off a lethargic peloton and fight it out for the win. The peloton is excused though; the temperatures were searing and the opening to this Tour has been unrelentlessly hard. But the team really should have put a guy into that break. I know they tried time and time again the first hour, but they were out of luck. All the riders managed to stay with the pack though, so Samu is still clinging on to his awesome third place.


  1. Anonymous10:53 pm

    Off-topic but do you have any idea what's going on with Garikoitz Bravo and why he's been showing none of his talent this season?

  2. I think they are saving it for the pyranees. (Spelling). At least I hope they are.

  3. arnout12:53 am

    At least they have an excuse with Samuel Sanchez high up in GC, unlike lots of other (French :D) teams.

    Anyway, tomorrow should be a good recovery day for Sanchez, who sounds and looks pretty beat up after yesterdays efforts.

  4. Garikoitz Bravo: It seems he's finding his first season with the pros, he's riding for Caja Rural ths year, a bit tough. He's been doing some rather big races but has failed to put his mark on them. But he's only 20 though, so he'll be stronger next year.

    I think azanca might be on to something. At least Egoi, I think, might be cruising now, but will go on the offensive in the Pyrenees in search of that elusive win.
