Thursday, July 01, 2010

Euskaltel touch down in Rotterdam

Euskaltel have found their way to the start of this year's Tour in Rotterdam. After some cancellations of flights, the chosen nine and the crew got to the Dutch town yesterday afternoon. Due to the unlucky circumstances they didn't have time for anything else than dinner and then straight to bed. Earlier today they went for their obligatory health checks before heading out for a three-hour spin, taking in the first 40 kilometres of Sunday's stage. Lunch was up next for the guys before they headed to the official presentation in downtown Rotterdam. Tomorrow will be a pretty easy day with no media commitments or anything on the menu. They'll head out for a training ride and then recon the very first stage; a nine-kilometre test against the clock. After that it's the usual: food, siesta, massage, bed. On Saturday morning when they get up, three weeks of suffering awaits them. Here's to a successful Tour!

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