Sunday, July 11, 2010

Samu pipped to stage-win

Samu grabbed a brilliant, yet incredibly frustrating, second place on today's first real mountain stage in the Tour. Right now I'm just way too gutted to write anything smart or philosophical about the stage; I'm just so disappointed to come so close yet again. Second places is the worst. Marvellous ride by Samu, but it still makes me desperately angry to not win. I'm a bad loser, I know. But right now I need to focus on something else. Sorry guys!


  1. Bolsen31:31 am

    I was sure he was going to win it! But he decided to ride a perfect lead-out for Andy, can't really understand why, as you would think that he would be more desperate to take time on Contador and Evans than Samu. He should have exploited that. But apart from that mistake, brilliant ride!!

  2. I was deeply annoyed at Schleck coming around for the stage win after all of Samu's hard work. But Samu's chance will come again in the Pyrenees, and I have to believe he will be able to deliver!

    Again, Magnus, thanks for your blog. I've learned so much from you and the other commenters, and always look forward to more!

  3. arnout10:32 am

    Man I was certain he was going to win with 400 meters to go. I mean, sprinting to the line with Andy Schleck, that's like winning solo. And indeed, inexplainable that he did not stop riding. He had ten seconds, more than enough time to put Andy Schleck under pressure (and those few seconds are not important compared to a stage win).

    Can't believe it, this was the biggest chance for a stage win since Mayo in 2003.

    But hey, on the positive side, Samu is up there and Euskaltel finally is present with the favorites in the mountains, and that's good.

    Bad day for me, lots of frustrations. That night we lost the World Cup to Spain :(

  4. Bolsen39:19 pm

    He he, I'm so glad you lost the final, what shitty play from Holland! They took destructive play to a whole new level! How on earth van Bommel didn't get sent off at least 3 times in this tournament, I will never understand ;-)

  5. arnout10:06 pm

    I know I know, we played like Germans and we had loads of luck (2 own goals on decisive moments among others). I am ashamed of the team.

    You can't have more luck during a tournament, only look at the road to the final. Ain't happy with our new image, apologies ;)

  6. Bolsen31:45 am

    Well, you need some luck to win, Spain had their share of luck too.

    Holland always used to be one of my favorites, with their attacking style. Sad to see them take this direction, and even more sad that they actually came so close to winning the whole damn thing, I fear more teams will adapt this style, destroy rather than create...

    Get Cruyff as coach! :)
