Thursday, July 22, 2010

Samu worried about Menchov

The fight for third, and first by the way, will more than likely come down to Saturday's 50km ITT in Bordeaux. On paper Menchov would be better suited to a race against the clock that long, a fact that worries Samu. "It would be hard if I was just 13 seconds ahead going into the time trial", he told Alain Laiseka of DEIA. "Menchov has won two Vueltas and a Giro and has always done better than me in long time trials. I was better than him in one short crono, the one in the 07' Vuelta in Collada Villalba, but that one was only 23km. In those of 30 clicks or more he's always beaten me. Denis has experience, the numbers are there, but there is still two important days left. I don't know how much time I need to be ahead on him going into the ITT."

1 comment:

  1. Bolsen37:04 pm

    Unfortunately, the TT is not technical at all, it's flat and it's long, so I fear it'll be easy for Menchov. 21 seconds will probably not be enough, but let's see :)
