Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Antón and Sicard prolong contracts

Amid talk of lack of funding and the possible exit of Samu, finally some good news broke today. Igor Antón and Romain Sicard, both vital to the present and the future of the team, have signed extensions to their contracts. The pair allegedly received far more lucrative offers from other teams, but in the end decided to prolong their contracts with another two years, meaning they'll stay at least 'til the end of the 2012 campaign. Speaking of the re-up, Igor said: "It's a great joy. I've been with this team all my life and they've shown enormous confidence in me. I'm comfortable in this team, I'm valued and I believe in myself, which is very important. For now I'll just keep training to keep improving and to gather the fruits of all our hard work over the years". Romain was no less excited, saying: "I'm very pleased with the agreement. La Fundación trust me; first by letting me ride with Orbea and then go pro with Euskaltel Euskadi. They've supported me at any given time so that I continue to learn and progress. I'm very to taste in this team. It's one of the best teams in the world and they have confidence in me. Here I'll be able to continue working and maturing like a cyclist, as I've still got a lot to learn. That's the most important thing."

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god, this is the most fantastic news I have had for many hours (when I heard about Koldo's victory)..

    No, but seriously, this was just awesome! I was afraid that Igor would seek new challenges or go for the money in other teams, but that man is just fantastic..I am so happy right now! :D
