Sunday, August 29, 2010

Classic de l'Indre let-down

Euskaltel did not get the reward they deserved in today's French one-day Classic de l'Indre - GP Châteauroux. The team assigned responsibility of the peloton when the break went clear, intent on setting it up for a sprint finish for either Rubén Pérez or Aitor Galdós. Or both. With the help of the soon-to-disband Cervelo team they succeeded, but by then they were all so worn-out that only Rubén was able to stay with the pack. He looked a decent bet for the win, or a top placing at least, but he got lost in the chaotic run-in and didn't sprint, rolling in for a 47th place. Not quite what he had expected I'm sure. All the other guys finished way back after a hard days work. They had deserved better, but that's the way it goes sometimes.

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