Sunday, August 08, 2010

Duo lapped as Poland ends

Beñat Intxausti and Gorka Izagirre both got to experience being lapped yesterday and as a consequence being taken out of the Tour of Poland on the concluding stage. Exactly how the two of them managed to get into a group that got lapped on the final circuits I don't know, but it sure isn't impressive. Aitor Galdós was more impressive though, grabbing an okay 11th place in the bunch gallopp. Amazingly he was the only one on the team who succeeded in finishing with the peloton, as all the other guys ended up in a group 3:42 down. Final GC:
  • 63rd, Jonathan Castroviejo
  • 74th, Javier Aramendía
  • 81st, Aitor Galdós
  • 88th, Jorge Azanza
  • 95th, Miguel Mínguez
  • 131st, Daniel Sesma

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