Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Euskaltel avoid bugdet cut

Contrary to what has been rumoured and anticipated, telephone company Euskaltel will NOT cut the economic support of the team and will continue to sponsor the outfit with 3,2 million euros a year up until at least 2012. It was widely thought the company would reduce it's sponsorship, but apparently they've had a change of heart. Euskaltel Euskadi's other major sponsors, the regional delegations and the Basque Government, will not cut back on the support either, meaning the team will have the same budget at their disposal as they've had in the last few years. Great news, couldn't have hoped for better. This will allow the team to keep it's current infrastructure and keep being part of the UCI Pro Tour. Hopefully it'll also convince Beñat Intxausti to stay. Igor González de Galdeano will from next season on be the sole responsible of the team from a sporting persepective, while Miguel Madariaga will now channel his energy towards the Fundación Euskadi, the development of young riders and the capture of sponsors. The team will now apply for a ProTour status for another few years.


  1. arnout10:14 am

    Great news.

    It strikes me that this is a story almost every year and in the end we all worried for nothing, again.

    This time it sounded more serious though, and I am very glad all problems are solved.

  2. arnout10:18 am

    Where did you get this news by the way?

  3. Anonymous2:20 pm

    Fantatsic..big sigh of relief, but what's your source? Praying now that Intxausti will stay...

    Thanks, Tiffany

  4. arnout3:48 pm

    Intxausti will leave, he announced today.


  5. Some Basque newspaper, can't remember exactly which one, broke the news today!

  6. Anonymous1:28 pm

    Ok, I'll see if I can seek it out! I'm looking to write an article with Euskaltel news for a website and they really require me to have an original source. Thanks for giving us the news though...I'm gutted about Benat, but at least there will still be an Euskaltel!

