Thursday, August 19, 2010

Euskaltel toothless in ENECO

Euskaltel performed surprisingly bad in today's first stage proper of the ENECO Tour. Only Iñaki Isasi managed to stay with the main pack on the rather flat trek from Steenwijk to Rhenen. Jorge Azanza, Romain Sicard, Jonathan Castroviejo, Gorka Izagirre and Rubén Pérez all finished 1:12 down, while Aitor H was 2:27 back and Miguel Mínguez a massive 7:04. Some may not think that these bad results really matter; after all it's just the ENECO Tour, not exactly the main goal of the team's season. But it does matter, as the team's ranking is vital to stay within the top 17 teams in the UCI rankings which guarantees entry into the big races next season. Currently the team is ranked 20th in ENECO. That needs to change.

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