Saturday, August 21, 2010

Izagirre strong in ENECO

Several Euskaltel riders showed their worth in today's third stage of the ENECO Tour. Iñaki Isasi looked alert and strong when trying to get clear of the bunch along with Willems with some 20 clicks still to go. Eventually the duo didn't succeed, but still a sign of good form from the veteran. The peloton was shredded to pieces on the hilly closing kilometres, but both Gorka Izagirre and Romain Sicard managed to stay with the 20-something strong main peloton. Sicard suffered the misfortune of a puncture with just 5 to go and had to drop back, but Gorka stayed with the group all the way in and nabbed a fine seventh place. That's not shabby from such a young rider. Romain eventually ended up 2:01 back in 39th place, in a group also containing Jonathan Castroviejo, while Iñaki was made to pay for his earlier effort and finished 3:08 back in 44th place. Miguel Mínguez, Jorge Azanza and Rubén Pérez all rolled in with the gruppetto some 20 minutes adrift, while Aitor Hernández dropped out underway, though I don't know why.

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