Sunday, August 15, 2010

Koldo out of luck in Hamburg

Euskaltel's main hope for glory in the Vattenfall Cyclassics in Hamburg today, Koldo Fernández, did not enjoy the best of luck and ended up outside the fight for the win. Koldo got tangled up with compatriot JJ Rojas with 15 kilometres to go, meaning all hope was lost. Eventually he rolled over the line more than 5 minutes down. The only Euskaltel rider to come in with the main group was Iñaki Isasi, who ended up 41st. Igor was 12 seconds back in 75th place, while Mikel Nieve was 15 seconds further adrift. Samu was a disappointing 2:25 back, while Rubén came in alongside Koldo and Alán was another minute adrift. Not a good day.


  1. Mh, interesting. I was there and after the last Waseberg passage Samu was the first Euskaltel rider in front of the peleton.

  2. arnout9:59 pm

    Samu must be tired by now. Last race of the season? Or do we expect him to give it another go in Lombardy? I hope so, as its likely I will be there.

  3. Samuel's calendar:
    GP Ouest France Plouay
    GP Québec
    GP Montreal

    and rest for the next season
