Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Martínez signs on

Following in the footsteps of Igor Antón, Romain Sicard and Samuel Sánchez, Egoi Martínez today opted to prolong his stay with the team. Egoi, Mr. Dependable if there ever was one, has, like the trio mentioned above, extended his stay with another two years, meaning he'll be around 'til at least the end of the 2012 season. Obviously great news for all parties involved, us fans as well, as he is equally good at getting great results for himself as well as working tirelessly for a captain. Speaking on the matter, Galdeano has this to say: "It's very important for the team that Egoi has decided to stay with us. He's a very experienced rider with a lot of quality. He always performs well in all the races he takes part in, and he's a dead-cert for the team's most important races; the Tour de France, the Vuelta al País Vasco and the Vuelta a España. I have a lot of confidence in him, and it's great to know we can count on his services through 2012." On his behalf, Egoi said: "The truth is I'm very content with the renewal. I feel valued and appreciated in the team and that's very important. This is the team that gave me the chance to go pro and understood and respected my decision to go to Discovery Channel when the chance arose. It was a completely new personal and professional experience for me. I don't forget things like that and I'll always be grateful. I have only good words for Euskaltel Euskadi. I feel very tied to this team, something which makes the renewal a great joy."

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