Thursday, August 26, 2010

Naturgas ready for Larrabetzu

Naturgas Energía will take on a hilly, 110km race in Larrabetzu on Saturday with the stated goal of defending young star Pello Bilbao's Torneo Euskaldun lead. The young climber has lead the sub23 rankings for quite a while now, and, approaching the end of the season, the team will do it's utmost to help Bilbao take out the win. Bilbao's support crew for Saturday will consist of Urtzi Legarra, Rory Martínez, Igor Merino, Mikel Bizkarra, Aitor Ocampos, Alfonso Saiz, David Hidalgo, Jon Larrinaga, Unai Martínez and Andoni Sánchez. Iñigo Urretxua will call the shots from the car.

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