Thursday, September 09, 2010

Bilbao 6th in Urduliz; maintains lead

Basque sub23 road race champ Pello Bilbao grabbed his umpteenth top 10 placing this year in yesterday's Andra Mari Sari Nagusia one-day race in Urduliz. More importantly though, he's still in charge of the Torneo Sub23 rankings with only one appointment left on the calendar; a race in Bermeo on Sunday. A large group came to the finish line together to sprint it out for the win. Jon Pardo of the all-conquering Seguros Bilbao outift bested Enrique Sanz of Lizarte and Jesús Herrero of Camargo right on the line. Pello wasn't far behind in sixth place, strengthening his grip on the big prize.


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