Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cazaux decision in the offing

Despite me publishing a post last week titled "Euskaltel sign Frenchman", the Frenchman in question, Pierre Cazaux, hasn't actually penned the deal. But he's likely to though. The team have offered the FDJ rider a two-year deal, and the 26-year-old is expected to make a decision on whether to accept or rebuff the offer later this very Tuesday. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:04 pm

    now it is confirmed by the official Twitter account:

    Pierre Cazaux vestirĂ¡ el maillot de Euskaltel Euskadi en 2011 y 2012: http://bit.ly/ds0IrP

    Maybe 2 Frenchman for Euskaltel in 2011s Tour de France
