Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Euskaltel anno 2011

According to reports on Bici Ciclismo, and on this very blog some time ago, the signing of Pierre Cazaux was Euskaltel's last ahead of the 2011 campaign. In addition to Cazaux, Mikel Landa and Jon Izagirre will make the jump from Orbea, meaning Euskaltel will welcome three new riders to the team in January 2011. Beñat Intxausti's departure has been well documented, as has the ones of Sergio De Lis and Aitor Hernández, and it now transpires Aitor Galdós will, like Bici Ciclismo hinted a few weeks back, not receive a new deal. He's now a free agent, but he probably won't have difficulties finding a new team due to his qualities and palmarès. All the other riders on this year's team will stay on for at least another year, meaning Euskaltel's plantilla will consist of 23 riders in 2011. Full list:
  • Igor Antón
  • Javier Aramendía
  • Jorge Azanza
  • Jonathan Castroviejo
  • Pierre Cazaux
  • Koldo Fernández
  • Iñaki Isasi
  • Gorka Izagirre
  • Jon Izagirre
  • Mikel Landa
  • Egoi Martínez
  • Miguel Mínguez
  • Mikel Nieve
  • Juan José Oroz
  • Alán Pérez
  • Rubén Pérez
  • Samuel Sánchez
  • Daniel Sesma
  • Romain Sicard
  • Amets Txurruka
  • Pablo Urtasun
  • Iván Velasco
  • Gorka Verdugo

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