Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Euskaltel non grata in Paris-Tours

Euskaltel have been left off the list of invited teams for the fall's penultimate big one-day race; the Paris-Tours. Organiser ASO opted to invite Continental teams BigMat-Auber, Bretagne-Schuller and Roubaix Lille-Métropole for the so-called 'Sprinters' Classic', in the process leaving Pro Tour outfits Euskaltel, Astana and Footon-Servetto in the cold. Obviously not good news, but I can't say it's too big a deal, it's not like we had any candidates for the win or anything. Koldo will be disappointed for sure, and so too will guys like Aramendía and Izagirre who were likely to get the nod from Galdeano & co., but there's always next year.


  1. arnout11:36 pm

    I hope its not a sign of things to come, but I can imagine they decided this together. After all, Astana is a big team as well.

  2. First time commenter on your blog. Great info here, and I've only scratched the surface!

  3. Well thank you, and welcome to the 'community'!
