Monday, September 06, 2010

Future watch: prologue

Orbea duo Mikel Landa and Jon Izagirre are both representing Spain at the Tour de l'Avenir this year. The stage-race kicked off with a 7km ITT in Vierzon earlier today, and the soon-to-be-Euskaltel-riders got off to an okay start. Jon Izagirre, younger brother of Euskaltel hotshot Gorka Izagirre, took 37th place at 45 seconds, while wiry climber Landa didn't find the course to his taste, placing 85th, 1:05 back on expected winner Taylor Phinney. Tomorrow will see the talent-stacked peloton take on the 144km between Vierzon and Saint-Amand-Montrond. Check back then to see how Álex Díaz's protégés are acquitting themselves.

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