Sunday, September 05, 2010

Tenerife stage 4

The Vuelta a Tenerife peloton was faced with the unenviable task of going up the Teide volcano on yesterday's fourth stage. The infamous climb tops out at a massive 3717 meters above sea level, and the effect it had on the riders was clear for all to see as it caused havoc in the pack. The untouchable José Belda took the spoils by going solo, finishing 13 seconds ahead of another Plaza, this time Esteban of the Proyecto Sidi outfit. Those two were in a class of their own though, as number three ended up 4:18 down and number five was almost ten minutes adrift. Igor Merino had a memorable day, crossing the line in eighth place, 9:44 back. Mikel Bizkarra was right behind him place-wise, finishing 12th, but was almost two minutes further back. Ocampos and Larrinaga came in with a group 19:23 down, Legarra ended up 26:19 adrift, Saiz 40:02 and Rory Martínez 40:43. Going in to today's two-legged final stage, consisting of an early time trial and an afternoon road race, Merino was lying in seventh and Bizkarra in 11th.

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