Friday, October 08, 2010

Koldo injured in Bourges crash

It was not a happy first participation in the French semi-classic Paris-Bourges for the team yesterday. It started out well enough though, with Euskaltel showing strength and determination at the front of the peloton to set it up for the Alavan speedster. It wasn't to be though, as Koldo hit the ground hard inside the last 200 metres. I've been watching the crash over and over again, but I just can't seem to find the cause of the pile-up. Anyway, Koldo got off pretty bad, breaking a cheek-bone, a collarbone and three teeth. That's not good, and ads to the woes of an injury-hit season for him. Luckily it's the end of the season, so he won't miss out on much racing. But it was actually so bad that the hospital had to keep him overnight for observation, and they actually transported Koldo back home in an ambulance, never mind the 1000km in distance between the hospital and his home address. Reportedly he's back home now safe and sound, and I dont' assume it'll hamper his pre-season in any way. Don't get me wrong, he's been down on luck for a while now and is banged up and feeling terrible, but he's lucky in the sense that when a grave accident like this happened the timing couldn't have been better. As for the race itself, everything naturally went out the window when Koldo, the man for Euskaltel yesterday, hit the tarmac. Oroz grabbed a fine 20th, while Aramendía was 87th, Nieve 89th, Urtasun 90th and Izagirre 92nd. Txurruka and Castroviejo both clipped out of the pedals and abandoned.

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