Monday, October 25, 2010

Txurruka wins in Taiwan

Amets Txurruka emerged victorious from Sunday's Taiwan Cup replacement race, beating Tadej Valjavec and "a French youngster" to the top of a monster climb. The fun ride, if you can call it that, was a race to the top of the highest climb on the island. Given that the climb topped out at 3275 metres, I can't really see the fun in it. For 52 clicks it was all uphill, but as long as he won it I assume Amets was a happy bloke afterwards. Exactly who the "French youngster", as Amets called him, is, I have no clue. Tune in to the team's website to read Amets' own diary.


  1. Hi, first time visiting your blog. I'm from the Basque Country and I run my own blog about Sports in Spanish and sometimes I talked about cycling because I am a big fan of this sport and eventually one of those supporters who follow Euskaltel-Euskadi, though I happen to enjoy cycling in general. Today I was surfing the internet trying to find who is that mysterious young french climber who made third and I came across your blog. Big surprise! Congratulations for your website and you bet I'll be visiting your blog again.

  2. Thank you, nice to get new readers! And by the way, just found out who that youngster was; George Bennett.
